
Your complete guide to mortgages

November 12, 2020

At some point in our lives, most of us will need to take out a mortgage if we aspire to own a home. Yet, mortgages and the process of securing one can still be filled with jargon and other complexities. Our guide aims to provide you with all the information you need when searching for a mortgage, whether as a first-time buyer or you’re hoping to move up the ladder.

In the guide you’ll find information on:

  • Deposits and LTV ratios
  • The different types of mortgages available
  • Why interest rates are important when selecting a mortgage
  • Other factors you should consider when choosing a mortgage

Click here to download your copy of our mortgage guide.

If you’re searching for a mortgage or will need to do so soon, please get in touch. We’re here to provide support to make the process as smooth as possible.

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01462 420544

Suite B, Gloverside
23-25 Bury Mead Road